13 April 2007

Earth 2?

Huray, the first exoplanet with traces of water in its atmosphere was found. Read here the story. This opens the door for a new space hunt, Earth size planets containing water, an element vital to life as we know it. Who knows when Earth 2 will be discovered.

How to avoid an asshole boss

I checked my LinkedIn account today, and I have stumbled over this article. Recommand you read it in case you wish to change your work place. It's based on the book "The No Asshole Rule: Building a Civilized Workplace and Surviving One That Isn't" by Robert Sutton. I think the title says it all :D.

Have a nice Asshole free environment!

12 April 2007

After Easter

So last weekend there was the Easter, both Ortodox and Catholic. And how did we spend it? Well, barbecues, off course :). After all, it is the first day when you can eat meat after 40 days. And there was beautiful weather. So, everybody got some stakes, or pork chops, or sausages, or mititei, and we all went to the coutryside (or nearest forest/green field) to celebrate this day. The result: tons of garbage, left behind by careless eaters.
But hey, it's just the start of the season, from now on until October all weekends can be a barbecue one. So stay tune, for more garbage will result.

02 April 2007

The Freak Planet Next To You

Who could have known what mysteries lie in our own cosmic back yard. Here are 2 articles about new pictures from our stellar neigbour, Saturn: South pole and North pole

A new Month, a new post

Somebody sent me this link. It's a collection of great funny ads, gathered from all over the world. Must see to wonder what a creative mind can do.
Yesterday was April's Fool, but I haven't heard of any good practical jokes. What's happening to this world?