16 March 2007

We'll soon live in the skies

Here is a nice article about the future of man kind. It argues that the best option for space bases are not teh Moon and Mars, but the Orbital Outposts. I'm just waiting for the first Sky Hotel :).

14 March 2007

New Star

Here's a clip from a French contest, called "Nouvelle Star" (kind of an French Idol :D). This guy is fantastic! Hope to see this kind of people in Romania, soon.

07 March 2007

Java Open Source IDE to compete with .NET

It appears Exadel will open source some of its products(Exadel Studio Pro, RichFaces, Ajax4JSF), and move them to the JBoss site for integration with the JBoss IDE, Seam, etc... Exadel Studio Pro will merge with JBoss IDE, RichFaces will become JBoss RichFaces and so on. We'll have to wait and see, as the JBoss IDE has been quite stagnant for the last 4 month or so.

Here is an interesting interview about this move, also some spicy comments, apparently there are some people who think just what they use is the best framework(see Ajax4JSF vs GWT).

05 March 2007

JBoss Seam new features

It seems Michael Yuan has some tips for those who want to use Seam and GlassFish. Read here the instructions.
There seem to be some new features for Seam, coming soon an integration between Seam and GWT. Read here the details about the Spring and GWT integration. it appears we'll have to wait for the GWT integration, as it requires JSF 1.2.

02 March 2007

Is JBoss going to recover?

I've been looking for some of the JBoss projects since September 2006. JBAP, EJB 3, JBoss IDE and Seam. The only one that really is still at full throttle is the Seam project (hooray for Gavin King). They have just released the 1.2.0 GA (former 1.1.7 :)) version. I was really looking to work with JBoss IDE 2.0.0, since it's suppose to work with Eclipse 3.2, but now Eclipse is at version 3.2.2 and JBoss IDE is still in the Beta 2 stage.
Today I checked the JIRA status of this project and it seem that they have a new release date, somewhere in the near future . They have also changed the JIRA for the EJB 3 project, the RC 10 should have been released at least 3 month ago, but now has disappear and is part of the new AP 4.2.0 CR2 code. This one still has no release date, so I'll just have to check it from time to time :(.